Your Trusted Partner In
Strategic Environmental Planning, Restoration, & Conservation
At Streamscape Environmental LLC, we go beyond compliance to uncover strategic opportunities and innovative solutions.

How We Work
Our Approach
At Streamscape Environmental LLC, we believe that economic, social, and environmental needs are intricately connected. Our environmental planning approach shifts the focus from basic compliance to innovative, resilient solutions that raise the bar for environmental protection and resilience.

Early-stage Consultation
Our proactive approach ensures that potential obstacles are identified early, allowing us to work with you to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities. By addressing issues upfront, we can work together to save time, conserve resources, reduce stress, and proceed with confidence.

Understanding Context
We leverage our broad network of experts, online resources, and expertise in geographic information systems and spatial analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of your project’s context. This enables us to enhance project planning and help you better prepare for implementation.

Regulatory Navigation
We prioritize cultivating strong, transparent relationships with regulatory officials at all levels of government. This allows us to openly discuss projects, obtain clear guidance, identify concerns, and support you in designing projects that minimize mitigation requirements and follow streamlined permitting pathways.
Our Focus Areas
Land Use & Urban Development
We’ll help you understand the natural context and environmental constraints of your site, identify strategies to protect resources and reduce impacts, obtain necessary permits and approvals, and conduct monitoring and reporting.
Mitigation Banking
Whether you need help managing an existing bank, updating your mitigation bank instrument, starting a new bank, obtaining permits, finding a long-term steward, or implementing the restoration plan, we can provide support at any stage.
Community Forestry
Improving the urban forest involves more than planting trees. We will work with you to establish goals, identify partners, update regulations, navigate challenges, find funding, establish benchmarks, measure progress, and tackle emerging issues.
Urban Wildlife
From beavers in stormwater outfalls to sea lions in a busy marina to mountain lions in city parks, we’ve seen it all. We love our native wildlife and believe we can always find ways to coexist and navigate conflicts (both real and perceived).
Protecting natural lands is a lot more complicated than it looks, especially in urban areas. From establishing a new conservation area to managing an existing natural area park, we offer the support you need to successfully protect your land.
Restoration & Enhancement
Through our holistic landscape-scale approach and integration of the four dimensions of stream connectivity, we offer comprehensive services for enhancing and restoring the natural functions of streams and their connected landscapes, including wetlands, riparian areas, and floodplains.

Looking for guidance?
Having trouble finding the solutions you need? Let’s connect.
What we can do for you
We are eager to help you understand and overcome any environmental challenge. Whether you need a brief consultation, a site meeting, or full project management, we’re ready to support you every step of the way!
Environmental Planning, Policy, and Local Regulations
We empower local governments and organizations to develop robust plans, policies, procedures, and regulations essential for achieving environmental objectives and tackling emerging challenges. We excel in evaluating and updating existing plans, policies, and regulations related to natural resources (wetlands, streams, riparian areas, trees, birds, wildlife, plants, pollinators, invasive species/pests) to ensure they effectively address today’s needs and critical issues.
Ecological Assessments and Monitoring
- Biological assessments, inventories, and constraints analyses
- Baseline documentation for conservation easements
- Sensitive and endangered species surveys & monitoring
- Nesting bird surveys & monitoring
- Habitat evaluation & mapping
- Vegetation surveys & mapping
- Construction site monitoring
- Monitoring for compliance with performance standards, metrics & conditions
Environmental Permitting
We adeptly navigate local, state, and federal permitting, compliance, and reporting processes. If we aren’t already familiar with specific regulations pertaining to your project or local community, we will diligently conduct the necessary research to ensure we provide the highest quality guidance possible.
Our expertise extends to the following federal and state regulations.
– Migratory Bird Treaty Act (federal)
– Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (federal)
– Endangered Species Acts (federal and state)
– Clean Water Act Sections 303(d), 401, and 404 (federal)
– Rivers and Harbors Act Sections 10 & 14 (federal)
– National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, federal)
– Oregon Removal-Fill Law (state)
– Oregon Fish Passage Regulations (state)
– Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 5 (local regulations vary)
– California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, state)
– California Coastal Act (state, local regulations vary)
Land Conservation
Wherever you are in your land conservation journey, we can offer support and guidance to meet your needs.
For new conservation areas – We’ll help you identify and apply for funding to support acquisition and restoration, identify conservation values and opportunities, develop restoration plans, prepare baseline documentation, and help draft and negotiate your conservation easement documents.
For existing conservation areas – We offer comprehensive land management planning services, restoration planning and project management, easement monitoring, and assistance finding and applying for grant funding for restoration and management.
Grant Writing / Project Management
Our partners have helped secure millions in grant funding for restoration, urban forestry, and conservation projects. We have decades of experience with vetting funding opportunities, scoping projects, applying for grants, managing grant funded projects, reporting, and monitoring progress.
We skillfully craft grant proposals to secure funding for conservation, restoration, and innovative, multi-benefit projects that involve environmental uplift. We are also happy to provide grant administration and/or project management for grant funded projects (on a case-by-case basis depending on capacity, timelines, and project budgets).
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Our GIS services are just right for small consulting businesses, researchers, and environmental organizations that don’t have a dedicated GIS team. We’ll help you create, display, and share geographic information; uncover patterns, constraints, and opportunities; tackle complex issues; and exceed industry standards.
Our GIS Services include, but are not limited to:
– Custom maps for documents, reports, presentations, publications, websites, and brochures.
– Printable field maps and customized data collection apps (FieldMaps, Survey123, etc.).
– Spatial analysis
– Data conversion (ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, Google Earth, Excel, GPS, etc.)
– Georeferencing and digitizing data.

Who are we?
Environmental & Biological Consultants, each with over 20 years of experience in our respective fields.
Our passion is to find ways to balance the needs of the built environment with the needs of the natural world.
Our Core Values
✓ Integrity
✓ Collaboration
✓ Resilience
✓ Innovation
Streamscape Environmental LLC is certified as a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) and Emerging Small Business (ESB) by the Oregon Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID).